Thursday, October 21, 2010

Passion 4 Dentistry Study Club Recap: October 20, 2010

Last night, Dr. Joseph Favia and Dr. Umar Haque presented along with 28 enthusiastic and energetic doctors at the Henry Schein facility in Elmhurst, Illinois. The focus was dental implants and comprehensive dentistry.

Dr. Favia started off with a alecture focusing on dental implants. Dr. Favia runs some amazing implant placement courses and he got into the basics of dental implant placement. He narrowed in on the CAMLOG implant system and why he is a fan of its surgical simplicity and elegance.

Dr. Haque continued the meeting with a literature review from The Journal of Clinical Oral Implants Research. The article was titled, "Oral rehabilitation using Camlog screw-cylinder implants with a particle-blasted and acid-etched microstructured surface. Results from a prospective study with special consideration of short implants." It basically discussed the difference between the prognosis of short versus long implants and found that there really was no significant difference in their osseointegration.

This was followed by a group discussion of two clinical cases and how the doctors in attendance would diagnose and treatment plan the cases. Dr. Bob Jourda, Dr. Vesna Sutter, Dr. Darren Simpson, and many other doctors gave their input and feedback to help spark some excellent intellectual debate and discussion. It really got the wheels turning.

Overall, it was a fun evening of dentistry! Keep the PASSION 4 DENTISTRY alive!!!

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